Wednesday, August 30, 2000
Promise keepers conference is just a few weeks away

The Phillips Arena in Atlanta will host an expected crowd of 21,000 in just a few weeks when Promise Keepers, the Denver-based international ministry to men, convenes for its year 2000 conference in Atlanta. Conference dates are Oct. 27 and 28. The day-and-a-half gathering is expected to draw men from throughout the southeast.

“Go the Distance” is the theme for the 2000 season’s men’s conferences, based upon the letter to the Hebrews, chapter 12, verse one (CEV): “Such a large crowd of witnesses is all around us! So we must get rid of everything that slows us down, especially the sin that just won’t let go. And we must be determined to run the race that is ahead of us.”

“Men are going to have to decide where they stand on the vital issues of life, like their commitment to their faith and their family,” said Bill McCartney, founder and president of Promise Keepers. “As the days get darker, and the persecution of Christians gets turned up, going the distance for men is becoming more intense and serious than ever. It reminds me of the classic mission plea, ‘Men wanted for hazardous journey. Expect resistance, worldly criticism, and possible persecution. Constant danger, with periods of darkness and isolation. Personal safety and financial security uncertain. Eternal rewards at journey’s end.’ This is what God is calling men to do today, and this is what Promise Keepers is challenging men to this year.”

This year’s “Go the Distance” program will feature dramatic testimonies on Friday night, and a specific message to fathers, sons and youth on Saturday. Speakers for the Atlanta conference will be announced as they are confirmed. Live music will be provided by the Marantha! Promise Band and a noted Christian recording artist will present a lunchtime concert on Saturday, Oct. 28.

Registration is $69 for adults (includes entry wristband, meal, and tape or CD), $49 for youth 18 and under (includes entry wristband and meal). Group registration includes one free with each ten paid registrations. Limited edition conference T-shirts ($11) and customized caps are also available at the time of registration. Advanced registration is encouraged as venues are expected to fill. Walk-up registration will be offered on a space-available basis.

Conference registration is open to individuals and groups online at and by calling toll free 1-800-888-7595 (24 hours a day, seven days a week). Spanish registration is available by calling 1-800-203-1564 (10 a.m.-7 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.) For deaf and hearing impaired assistance, call TTY at 1-800-769-6855 (10 a.m.-7 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.

The conference will also require the efforts of 1,000 volunteers (both men and women). To volunteer, call toll free 1-800-417-1878.

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