Wednesday, August 30, 2000
Virtual reality takes kids' minds off cancer treatment
For pediatric cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy like 8-year-old William Bugbee of Newnan, who has been battling leukemia for the last two years, the anxiety leading up to treatment can be as uncomfortable, or more so, than the procedure itself. What’s more, treatment often requires normally active children to remain nearly motionless for extended periods of time.
Keep the keys
Just a few months ago, the Georgia legislature defeated a bill that would have raised the legal driving age for teens in our state from age 16 to 18. I don’t know all of the specifics of the proposed law, but I know that if the bill had passed, it probably would have saved lives.
September is National Food Safety Education Month
September is National Food Safety Education Month (NFSEM), an annual observance to focus attention on the importance of safe food handling and preparation in both home and commercial kitchens.
Start vision exams early, make them a regular part of school
One of the most important regular events of a child’s school years is the recommended annual vision exam, and it is a habit that should begin before children reach school age, some leading optometrists say.
Children's vision key to education
Education is of increasing importance in our booming and technologically advanced economy and is essential for young people who hope to succeed in today’s world.
Lipreading Ð your 'third' hearing aid
Have you ever heard someone say, “I hear better with my glasses on”?
Most people feel they hear better when they can see the person talking. That’s because they’re getting help from lipreading.
Rx for back to school
It’s back-to-school time! New schedules, new friends, and new activities replace summer play. Your child will be out of the house for hours at a time—and away from your care. Here are some tips to help make sure he or she stays healthy at school.
Heavy summer travel season means more children flying alone
With a record number of people traveling this summer, more children are be traveling alone for the first time, and many of these unaccompanied trips will be by airplane.
Students need their rest
At the start of the school year, many children are excited about going back to school. This excitement can help them wake up earlier and overcome any feelings of tiredness.
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