Wednesday, August 2, 2000
If you hollered 'foul,' you're not alone

Religion Editor

Last week I ran a real mind boggler— a Bible Brain Teaser picked up from the pages of the Fayetteville Christian Caller, the newsletter of the Fayetteville Christian Church. It was a real challenge, both for those who know the bible and for those who don't. It concerned a paragraph which contained 22 books of the Bible...hidden among the words.

Well? How did you do? I admit I never got the last one...and never would have. It wasn't a word you'd normally consider a book of the Bible...unless you were a minister...or had some type of ministerial training or background. I certainly never heard of it. I had to call Daniel Overdorf, senior minister at Fayetteville Christian Church, to find out the last book. A couple of people hollered “foul” when they learned that last one, including a couple of folks here at the office. And we discovered if you insert the word “usually” in the sentence which says it takes a minister to find one, i.e. “...we admit it usually takes a minister...” then you will easily have the book of Titus.

But the real solution, according to Rev. Overdorf, is that the book of Exodus, in the Hebrew Bible, is called the book of Names. And that word appears in the first sentence. If you picked up on that, give yourself an A-plus. Here's the solution to the brain teaser...the hidden books of the Bible are in bold.

It is remarkable that the names of one-third of the books of the Bible can be hidden in one short paragraph. It was an interesting job to hide them, and finding them will not be a fluke or an accident. Truthfully, the search for facts will be a revelation for numbers of our readers. As you search from answer to answer, however, don't get yourself in a jam, especially since we want this to be a most enjoyable experience for you. Just keep looking and thinking so you won't want to slam at the walls in frustration if you don't find them all right away. Yes, there will be some that are really easy to spot, and if one misjudges a name or two, he can always call on St. Jude for help. I will readily admit it takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be lamentations and gnashing of teeth when it is found. Some people think the composition of one's genes is a factor in how well one does in this exercise. One little lady said she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better, and another chose a cup of coffee and a johnny cake to sustain her as she worked. So let's see how you compete. Relax now as you work, for there really are twenty-two names of books of the Bible in this paragraph.

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