The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Wednesday, August 9, 2000
The American Dream

Home Builders Association of Midwest Georgia

Home ownership has long been a touchstone of the American dream. It's a symbol of success and arrival that is earned by more and more Americans each year.

Last year, home ownership reached an all-time high of 66.8 percent — 70.1 million households! This is an amazing statistic, positioning the United States as one of the best-housed countries in the world.

I want to illustrate how truly fortunate we are by drawing a portrait of housing 100 years ago.

In 1900, only 46.5 percent of Americans owned their home. One in five lived in cramped quarters with entire families often sharing just one or two rooms. Most existing homes were small, rural and lacking in amenities that we take for granted today, including such things as hot and cold piped water and central heat.

Long-term amortized loans were not available. A home cost less than $5,000 on average, but median family income was a small percentage of today's figure.

From size and configuration to quality and convenience, our housing changed dramatically during the 20th century, evolving to a point where new homes provide a level of comfort, convenience and quality of life unknown to previous generations. The typical new American home features 2,000 square feet of space, central air conditioning, a fireplace, and a two-car garage.

The most exciting part is that the quality of housing is improving all the time, and home ownership rates are increasing for all Americans.

Home builders are working with housing finance innovators, consumer education organizations, and government officials to make home ownership an affordable dream for every American.

(Jeff Betsill, owner of Jeff Betsill Homes, is president of the Home Builders Association of Midwest Georgia, which serves a membership of approximately 410 builders and associate members in Fayette, Coweta, Spalding, Heard and Meriwether Counties.)

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