Wednesday, August 2, 2000
Marine reads Citizen Online

Hello, my name is Matt Zevenbergen, and I am presently stationed in Okinawa, Japan. I basically just wanted to let you know that someone overseas is reading, and really appreciates [The Daily Citizen Online].

Let me tell you about myself. I joined the Marine Corps in September 1998 and haven't been home much since. My parents still live in Fayetteville (off Redwine) and plan to for a long time. Before I joined the Marines, I was a volunteer firefighter for the Fayette County Fire Department.

I don't get a chance to come home much, and I miss home dearly. I love Georgia, and I love Fayetteville. I am stationed in Twenty-nine Palms, Calif., but right now I am deployed to Okinawa.

I am a grunt in the Marine Corps (infantry) and I love my job. However, going all over the world and meeting different kinds of people makes me realize how much I miss Fayette County, and the people.

When I get the chance to come home, it is usually only for about 10 days. Not very long. When I'm home I try to take in as much as I can. Everybody is so kind, and trust me, I haven't found that anywhere else yet, especially in Okinawa.

It gets pretty lonely sometimes, but when I read The Citizen, I feel at home. I hope you take this little note to heart. Just remember there is a Marine far away who misses his home and his people. I return to the States in August. Thank you, Citizen, for bringing me home every time I read. Fayette County is always in my heart and in my prayers. Protecting our beautiful nation, yours truly,

Lance Corporal Zevenbergen, USMC
presently Okinawa, Japan

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