Wednesday, August 2, 2000
Ask questions, get involved, vote Aug. 8

Congratulations to all the candidates who ran in the primary elections. Whether you won or lost, you are to be commended for making the effort, for your willingness to get involved and your commitment to public service.

Public turnout on election day was somewhat discouraging, but remember, you can vote in the runoff election on Aug. 8 even if you didn't vote in the primary election. One county commissioner post, two school board positions and the 28th Senate District are still up in the air.

Get involved, take the initiative, talk to the candidates. How do the school board candidates feel about the building of new schools? What about funding? Year-round school? Split schedules? If you pay taxes in Fayette County, even if you don't have kids in the public schools, these are issues which affect you.

The school board races are as follows: Post 2, Kim Gatlin, 770-461-6643, and Terri Smith, 770-460-5579.

Post 3, Connie Hale, 770-461-3190 and Marion Key, 770-631-3627.

For the county commission position, if you live anywhere along County Line/Inman/Bernhard roads, you'll be affected by the proposed East Fayette Bypass. Do you live near where the new Lake McIntosh is scheduled to go? What about you residents living near the old Signa property? What do you want to see happen in that area? Here is your chance to be proactive rather than reactive. Ask the candidates where they stand on these issues.

For county commissioner Post I: Carl Davis, 770-842-2845; A.G. VanLandingham, 770-461-5681.

Where do the state senate candidates stand on ARC and GRTA's role in determining the growth patterns and public transportation decisions in Fayette County? Are they willing to propose legislation to include school construction in impact fees?

28th Senate District: Mitch Seabaugh, 770-304-0652; Rick Price, 770-460-6276.

There are lots of important issues facing the winners of this runoff election. If the candidates are willing to spend the money, time and effort necessary to be in a position to tackle these issues, we should at least make the effort to go to the polls and make informed voting choices. I urge Fayette County residents to vote Aug. 8.

Mary V. Shaver

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