Wednesday, August 2, 2000
No 'hooting' allowed in Fayette

I'll say it: “Keep the smutty Hooters out of our backyard!”

We need to be right up front, “in-your-face” bold about it! There's no need for any explanations, apologies, or justifications for the expression of the truth about this “restaurant,” and that we don't want it here. This is one reason why smut runs rampant — we're too busy justifying why we're entitled to our “opinion” than taking a successful and effective stance. The opponent has us in a losing position before we even get started!

What is the matter with people nowadays; have a little gall, will you? How about concrete suggestions on how people can help oppose this “showy exploitation” that's trying to pass itself off as being just another normal part of our little community.

My suggestion has been to refocus on the issue that's pending very soon, for we really don't have time for anything else! Anybody have a successful plan of action? Hooters isn't just a restaurant, could it need special zoning for what it really is? I'm no lawyer; maybe a community-hired lawyer would be effective in exercising our right.

Years ago, some of the students at Kennesaw State College were successful in changing the name of their “Hooter” stadium because the popularity of the restaurant chain made it a derogatory name.

Hooting and jeering to refer to the restaurant's meaning of the word had become a verbal harassment to female students, extending the Hooters chain's degradation of women further beyond restaurant propaganda. The stadium originally had this name, innocently, because of the school's owl mascot, which had to be changed as well. Dignity and orderly conduct was eventually restored, especially for the female students who were in the majority due to the nursing school that was a part of the college.

We will not stay in this county if it allows the degradation and deterioration that will result from allowing Hooters into our community. Why, we could live in Daytona, or Panama City Beach. They have Hooters restaurants too, but at least they aren't considered normal, mainstream towns. They wear their true colors as the vacation holes that they are, offering something for everybody. And there's an ocean to boot!

I may as well say, “Pack your bags, honey, let's move to the beach!” than stay here and watch our county take the next step beyond the sexual-assault of “in-your-face” magazines at our store “check-it-out” counters. (Ever notice how the right to “have” or “do” something seems to supercede the right to an unpolluted environment?) These magazines will be everywhere, but there are still plenty of communities without Hooter type holes to crawl into.

Hmmmm, good food for thought!

Frana Sullens and family

Current Fayette County residents

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