Wednesday, July 26, 2000
Creation vs. evolution debate continues;
Harp's Crossing to host seminar Saturday

The evolution vs. creation debate will continue in Fayette County this weekend when Harp's Crossing Baptist Church in Fayetteville hosts a seminar featuring two noted speakers on the Christian faith.

Dr. Norman Geisler, author of over 50 books and dean of the Southern Evangelical Seminary, and Frank Turek, author, speaker and frequent guest on national radio and TV programs, will head up the seminar scheduled for this Saturday, July 29, from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. at the church on Ga. Hwy. 92 South.

The cost is $15 for students, $20 for adults, and $30 for couples.

Questions to be addressed include:

• What does the Bible say about origins?

• Does science support evolution or creation?

• Given the much stronger evidence for creation, why don't more scientists believe in it?

• What have the courts said about teaching creation?

• What difference does it make what we believe about origins?

Seating is limited and preregistration is encouraged. Seminar notes will be provided for each preregistered participant. Geisler and Turek will take questions after each segment of the seminar. Lunch will be provided and many Christian books and tapes will be available for purchase.

Those wishing to attend may register by calling 770-461-5318. Ask for Sue.

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