Wednesday, July 19, 2000
More hypocrites will be in church on Sundays than in Hooters on Fridays

The conduct of my fellow Christians constantly amazes me.

On any given Sunday the pews hold politicians who have violated their oath of office. These politicians have voted for legislation and/or ordinances which deny the citizens their basic freedoms, yet I have yet to see a rally dedicated to holding them accountable for their actions.

I have yet to see my fellow Christians hold a rally to denounce the government stealing 40 percent of our income every payday.

I have yet to see my fellow Christians hold a rally to denounce the ever increasing power of government to intrude into our personal lives.

There is no biblical reference my fellow Christians can point to which allows them to interfere with the right of a property owner to erect a business on his property as he chooses.

They can choose to stay away.... that is their choice. It is what freedom is all about. For some reason the concept of freedom and personal responsibility is frightening to the Christian community.

These and similar actions by my fellow Christians is why I quit attending church. The modern church is more interested in social action than sticking to the fundamental issue of keeping its own house in order.

I am reminded of the biblical reference from Christ who told his followers to remove the beam from their own eyes before they try to remove the splinter from their brothers'.

“Let he who is without sin among you cast the first stone (John 8:7).”

When Hooters does open, my fellow Christians are welcome to join me there for a beverage of choice. There will probably be fewer hypocrites in Hooters on Friday night than sitting in church on Sunday morning.

Lee Hunt

Secretary, Libertarian Party of Fayette County


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