Wednesday, July 5, 2000
People damaged by 'file suit, drop suit' lawyers

As reported in this newspaper June 30, attorney Jim Webb has decided to drop his suit against Steve Brown, Cal Beverly and The Citizen Newspaper. While the reason given is that he felt “vindicated” by an article in the AJC, I wonder if there were other reasons involved. Whatever the reason or reasons, Mr. Brown, Mr. Beverly and this newspaper now know that the threat of huge legal bills is over.

My question to Mr. Webb is, “Will you now do the right thing?” This suit, one which I felt all along had no merit, ended up costing these gentlemen sizable legal fees. Will Mr. Webb voluntarily reimburse these gentlement for those fees? I am betting I know the answer to that question. Perhaps they will need to take legal recourse to recover the money they spent.

This is a good example of what is wrong with our legal system and in particular some of the attorneys who are licensed to practice in that system. A suit which ends up being withdrawn still causes damage to two men who were guilty of nothing but exercising their right to free speech. Their reputations are damaged, they fear being open in their future comments, they spend thousands of dollars to prepare to defend themselves — all because someone decides to play “file the suit, withdraw the suit.” No wonder attorneys are the butt of so many jokes.

I am proud to say that I was threatened and ordered to give up my personal correspondence and e-mails, but I did not buckle and give in to Mr. Webb. My right to free speech was threatened, my right to privacy was threatened, but luckily I did not just give in but instead stood and fought for those rights. To Mr. Webb, I say, the next time you want to know what I have to say on any topic give me a call — I'll be glad to share my opinions with you, though you may not like what you hear.

I sincerely hope that these questionable tactics haven't frightened other individuals and made them feel that they can't express their opinions without fear of being sued. Don't let the “playground bullies” frighten you; stand up to them and watch as they tuck tail and run away.

Steve Fodor

Peachtree City

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