Wednesday, April 26, 2000
Massey co-authors missions manual

Judy Massey of Peachtree City is the primary author of a new missions manual that will be released at the upcoming Convocation of the International Communion of Charismatic Episcopal Churches (ICCEC) in San Clemente, Calif.

The manual, which will be used by the Missions Development Agency of the ICCEC, will cover missionary policies and procedures, short-term missions, and methods for local church involvement in missions. The manual will be made available initially to the House of Bishops of the ICCEC and then released for wider distribution.

Massey, who has been working with Archbishop Dale Howard and Canon James Nicholas in the development of the missions manual, was set apart as a Commissioned Minister of Missions and Evangelism by The Right Rev. John W. Holloway and has since represented the ICCEC's efforts in Uganda. She has ministered extensively in the United States and overseas and is a co-founder of the Society of Christ the Healer, an organization devoted to short-term medical and evangelistic missionary endeavors.

Mrs. Massey received degrees from Carson-Newman College and Georgia State University, and is currently a doctoral student at Regent University. She is a member of Christ the King Church in Peachtree City, where she leads the evangelism and missions ministries. Her husband, Paul, is a priest at the church.

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