Wednesday, April 26, 2000
When will overdevelopment stop?

I laud the number of letters in this newspaper I have seen over the past few months concerned about excessive development in this county.

Day after day, all you see in this county is more and more development, clear cutting, and destruction of this county's natural resources. Is there ever any end to it? When will it stop?

I am convinced that it is this county's objective to develop every last square inch of this county and leave nothing unturned. I am really concerned about the destruction of trees in this county. I moved here two years ago, and I have seen acre after acre of this county cleared every day. Nearly every trip on the local roads I pass a log truck or bulldozer.

The county talks about tougher tree preservation ordinances, but is anything really being done? Also it seems that schools and churches are exempt from tree preservation. Absolutely no effort is made to preserve anything. Just look at some recently constructed schools like Starrs Mill and Whitewater, and churches on Ga. Highway 85. Was it really necessary to clear every single tree from these land plots? Would the children that go to school at these facilities benefit from a more natural setting instead of a concrete jungle?

Why don't all of these developers and other people who like barren property so much move to West Texas? They won't need to worry about clearing anything out there!

One other comment I want to make. What is this monstrosity called New Hope South which recently opened at the corner of Hwy. 85 and Ga. Highway 74, another example of recent develoment?

I go by there at late at night and there must be 50 or more orange sodium vapor lights glowing brightly. I think there must be as many lights there as at Hartsfield Airport. I don't see anyone using it at midnight, so why the need for all of these stupid lights and excessive waste of electricity?

Robert Beasley


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