Wednesday, March 29, 2000
PTC Council, read 1st Amendment

I believe strongly that the public has the ultimate say-so in government. I do not care what the issue is, the people fund this government, and vote for the officials, and they are responsible to us, the people.

I think that Mr. Steve Brown should be commended, and I stand behind him in his stand against something he felt needed to be questioned about his government. That is his right, and is the government's duty to stand behind his request, not squelch him.

[Mayor Bob] Lenox hides behind “helping” a citizen, so he does not hurt himself. That is not your decision to make, Mr. Lenox. That is a citizen's right to voice his concerns, and defend himself. I am not impressed with your insults or categorizations in your letter to the paper March 22. Do not patronize the citizenry with statements like “the Energizer Bunny”, or comments of “woefully inept” council members.

In my opinion, the whole of Peachtree City government is “woefully inept” for allowing this madness to continue. In addition, your blatant disregard on the issue of the First Amendment is evident in your putting quotes in a sarcastic fashion around the phrase free speech. I also address the report that you said that the First Amendment is not an essential component of council meetings (reported to be said on March 16 at the council meeting).

I am very upset and angry that a government anywhere in this country is acting like this. It would appear to me that the city of Peachtree City thinks that their “reputation” or their concerns outweigh the First Amendment. Peachtree City, and certain people in it, need to review the law very carefully on the First Amendment. The Supreme Court has on more than one occasion sided with the press and citizens against government in regards to questioning their actions, popular or not.

Glenn Maycumber


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