
The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, February 16, 2000
Maybe Rocker writer sees the light

In response to Lucille Bradley, Democratic, supporter of Clinton, advocate of gun control (no offense):

Not being one who usually writes letters to the editor, I really couldn't resist this time. My sincere compliments to the writer! She hit the nail dead center on the head. Bravo!

Here's what I don't understand. Why would someone with such clear insight into what on the surface may seem to be a benign issue (the Rocker flap) apparently not understand how we've come to this point? Has the thought not even occurred to the writer that it may be because of the liberal leadership (Clinton) we've endured for the past seven years?

Not intending to gloat, but I've seen this coming for a long time. And by the way, speaking of free speech, why do you find other parts of the Bill of Rights so wrong? To use your words, “Please! Wake us from this ridiculous nightmare and give us back the rights we once thought, as Americans, we could take for granted.” I am of course talking about the right to bear arms.

But alas, the writer gives me hope. With this kind of clear thinking, maybe the proverbial camel has at least begun to peek his nose into the tent. I can only hope.

Ron Primrose
Conservative, detractor of Clinton, advocate of the Bill of Rights (offense intended)

Peachtree City

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