The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Home Page

Wednesday, February 9, 2000

Just read their actions, not their lips

“Read my lips,” George Senior said petulantly. “No — new — taxes.”

Teacher tenure: Is it really all that bad?
One Citizen's Perspective

One of the most debated proposals in Gov. Roy Barnes's A-Plus Education Reform Act of 2000 involves teacher tenure. Despite the fact that there are many compelling ideas presented, and some alarming ones, Barnes's call for an end to teacher tenure has received the most coverage and created the strangest alliances as political players seek to weigh in on the issue.

Tenure gets the press, but funding defines the meat of reform
Politically Speaking

It seems that every Georgia chief executive elected during the last quarter of a century has wanted to be remembered as “the education governor.”

The only thing we have to fear
Laugh Lines
We all have fears of certain things. These are called phobias. Technically, a phobia is a fear that is illogical or irrational. Being afraid in some instances is good. As a child we learn, correctly, that we should be fearful when we cross the street.

Letters to the Editor

In PTC, the time is now to 'pull up the ladder'

I got a pretty good laugh reading the letter from Mr. William Gilmer published in this newspaper Feb. 2. While I understand Mr. Gilmer's reasons for feeling the need to defend the building profession, many of the comments he made were not in touch with the problems faced in Peachtree City today.

Student needs Georgia items for Wasington class project

Each member in my class is working on a project called “Parade of States.” We are responsible for gathering as much as we can to help “sell” the state.

Confederate flag should be honored

David Epps' column against flying the Confederate battle flag [Citizen Review, Jan. 28] is well rebutted by Walter E. Williams, a black man, in his column on the same page, but there is more to be said.

Political correctness, revisionism rules flag debate

I would like to respond to Pastor David Epps' article [The Citizen Review, Jan. 28] concerning the Confederate flag. The article brought back some old memories to me

Commission plans for jail resemble Taj Mahal

Recent newspaper articles need clarification of my feelings about the Taj Mahal jail complex that is planned by the county commission. There is a need for additional jail space, but I disagree that this county needs a jail with 843 beds. Although the commission denies that they are going into the “prisoner business,” a large facility will be built just to stand empty. I doubt it. Can you imagine the extra expense to keep this monstrosity up in furnishings and personnel? Further, I can not see the need to spend $28.7 million for a jail when Hancock State Prison has developed a perfectly good system that could be built for $2.2 million, a mere 7.5 percent of their plans. I do believe the commissioners could not have picked a worse spot. Yes, plans were made for this spot years ago, but this county has drastically changed since those plans were made. Traffic problems alone will be unbelievable.

PTC needs higher ethical standard for its attorney

Assume that you are in the midst of litigation against a corporation. You are convinced that your attorney will provide you with the finest defense possible. Your attorney's firm “has provided excellent service for the past several years” and you have no reason to fret.

Rocker and free speech: What are we coming to?

I usually do not agree with a word Cal Thomas writes, but I must say he was right on in his Opinion column (Baseball sends Rocker to camp for reeducation). Where, indeed, are the First Amendment advocates? I thought our country was supposed to be famous for free speech.

Many frustrated with mental services

Having read the editorial published on Nov. 13, 1999 in The Citizen I feel it is important to inform your readers that the comments made by this concerned citizen of Fayetteville are indicative of the overall frustration that many family members with loved ones with mental illness experience.

Come see Fayette diversity play

Fayette County residents, start getting excited now!

Why not put jail finance issue to a March vote?

Do you remember how, when you were little, your mom would load up a spoon with some foul-tasting medicine, or some food you had found particularly untasty, like mashed peas or carrots, and then she'd buzz all around your face pretending it was an airplane looking for the airport, and just when you let your guard down and grinned at the silliness of what she was doing, your mouth would open just wide enough for the airplane to quickly glide inside your mouth and unload its yucky cargo?

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