The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, January 19, 2000
School survey is back-door way to get SPLOST approved this time

Many children were sent home with a Citizen/Staff Survey paper last week for parents to fill out and send back to school.

As a concerned parent, I called the school with a question about the paper and they referred me to Mr. Robinson's office, which in turn referred me to Dr. Riddles, who said it didn't come from them either, so they referred me to the school again, who referred me this time to Dr. DeCotis's office, but by this time, I was too exhausted from all the phone calling, so I decided to write this instead.

I would like to say this survey is very off base. When describing the year-round school, they describe a system, which of course, would be the least desirable one for most parents. Where a child would go just like they do now, but would be off for either summer semester, fall or spring semester.

I don't consider this year-round school at all. It's the same system we have now. How would they even begin to coordinate siblings in the other schools to be on the same schedule?

Year-round school should be when students actually go year round, with a few weeks between each semester. This way they are able to retain their knowledge from one semester to another better, instead of having one long break, such as summer. I realize this may not, however, help on the overcrowding.

I think this survey was home to scare parents into voting for SPLOST. Yes, once again they will try to put this before the people, spending however much wasted money again, to get a vote.

The only thing to stop the overcrowding would be for the school board, who know our schools are overcrowded, to get together with the county commissioners, who think we don't have a problem (obviously because they continue with their subdivisions everywhere and rezone anything that suits into what they consider the image they want).

Instead, they continue to put the public in the middle. The more subdivisions and rezoning they approve, the more crowded our schools get. It's simple math. When election time comes, please do your homework, people, before you vote.

I would also like to mention that some teachers and officials are telling their students to go home and tell their parents to vote for SPLOST. I had better not have this happen to my child, because if any teacher or official drags my child in on this, they will be hearing from my lawyer.

I'm not scared!

Jodi Foster

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