Sunday, January 9, 2000
Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever


Much has been and will be written about the new millenium.

If you are able to even read this, then at least the printing presses have not ground to a halt, and there is “power somewhere!”

There are many different philosophies out there from those saying, “Nothing will happen,” to those saying, “Store up and wait for the proverbial meltdown of life as we know it.” Somewhere between those two extremes is where I stand.

I personally feel it is foolish to block out all the information and do nothing. Remember the story of Joseph in Egypt when Pharaoh received the dream from God about the lean and fat cattle and the sheaves of grain that ate each other up? Then Joseph's interpretation of the dream was about the years of plenty and the years of famine that would befall Egypt?

Joseph at that time could have said, “I am just going to pray and trust God to take care of me and our land of Egypt.” That would have been a great scenario, for seven years, but then when the famine came for the following seven years, they could have starved to death.

Please don't misinterpret what I am saying. God is in his heaven and will respond to the needs of mankind however he wishes, whether we prepare for disasters or not, but he did give us a mind and I feel he expects us to use it. As for me and my house we will first serve the Lord no matter what happens, but we will also be as prepared as sensibly as possible.

Last week My family and I flew up to Philadelphia and then drove up to Arlington National Cemetery to bury my wife Dee's father alongside all the other soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines and family members who served our country. It's interesting that we can all philosophize about the issues of life and can go down any rabbit trail we wish, but when the family is all assembled around our final resting place, there are some very basic issues that we will have to deal with.

Many of these issues are spiritual ones. I always ask at a funeral, “What would our beloved brother or sister say to us today after they have walked through the valley of the shadow of death and SEEN the other side of life?” Here is where one's faith comes into play.

We hear from God's word that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever and through him and him alone can we have eternal life. We know that he has gone to prepare a place for us and if he has gone to prepared a place for us he will come again and receive us unto himself that where he is, there we will be also.” John14:2.3.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever no matter whether it is the Y-2K computer glitches of the year 2000, or whether it is the persecution of the early Christian Churches by Rome or by the “politically correct” of the year 2000 (and I do believe that is coming).

God's will does triumph. God's word and his character will stand and our greatest “meaning” in life, wherever we are laid to rest, is summed up in our being a part God's will and God's plan for this earth.

Are we ready for the new millennium? We will be with these same age-old, time-tested truths. Praise the Lord!

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church, a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County school system, and a former Army chaplain. The church is currently meeting in the American Legion Log Cabin across from the fountain on the Square in Fayetteville. Prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail

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