The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page
Wednesday, January 5, 2000
Church school series: Is Satterthwaite a paid lobbyist for teachers union?

Ms. Satterthwaite's recent articles about education in Fayette County should either have been put in the Editorial section, or the Lifestyle section, or The NEA Today — not on the front page of The Citizen. In Ms. Satterthwaite's article she wonders, “Why would parents pay $4000 a year or more to send their children to private or parochial schools when then could be sending them to our highly rated Fayette County Government School (FCGS)?”

Does Ms. Satterthwaite know that FCGS's high scholastic ratings are suspect? Does she realize that there is a good likelihood that FCGS took Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) and Scholastic Aptitude Tests (SAT) scores from Fayette County kids who go to private and parochial schools and mixed them with FCGS kids scores to come up with the high scores? (I tried to verify that this deception had occurred, but I was blocked by FCGS bureaucracy in 1999.

According to the 1996 Georgia Public Policy Forum's “High School Report Card to Parents,” SAT scores were inflated 100 to 150 points by FCGS bureaucrats. In 1993 I was advised by a disgusted Atlanta Public School bureaucrat that their SAT scores were inflated 200 to 300 points.)

Does Ms. Satterthwaite know that about 40 percent of all government school teachers nationwide who have children send their own kids to private or parochial schools (K-12)? And, that if these government school teachers had the money, many more of their kids would be in private or parochial schools? Did Ms. Satterthwaite know that it was Keith Geiger who said this on national TV in 1993? At the time Mr. Geiger made that statement that he was president of the National Education Association. What do government school teachers know that Ms. Satterthwaite does not?

Ms. Satterthwaite, please stick your brain-dead, feel-good, puff pieces in the Lifestyle section.

W. J. Bryan III
Peachtree City

[Editor's note: Staff writer Sallie Satterthwaite reports and writes editor-assigned stories, but has nothing to do with their editing, placement or location in the paper. This feel-good editor has that responsibility.

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