Mitch Seabaugh must be loosing his mind along with his hair!
He's introduced a bill trying to prohibit local cops from patroling the interstates. What a stupid idea. I'm betting the State Patrol would like to see him tarred and feathered.
With no local cops on the interstate there's no one to watch troopers backs, help them with traffic,WORK WRECKS THEY CAN'T GET TO WITHIN AN HOUR!
Then there is the issue of drug money seized on the interstate. Alot of that is being done by local cops. The money goes back to the small towns and lowers the towns people's tax burden. Not to mention the fact that it takes literally millions of drug dollars out of the hands of drug dealers.
Most people I talked to today thought Seabaugh's motivation was transparently political and shallow. Some rich kid's dad didn't like the ticket he had to pay. I worry that it's worse than that. Why is a State Senator trying to create a situation where so many drug dollars would remain in the hands of thugs and drug cartels? Who's guiding your puppet strings on this Seabaugh?
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