Where did all the Liberals suddenly come from in Fayette?

Prior to Obama being elected, you couldn’t find a liberal democrat in Fayette to save your life. The Democratic Party was non-existent. Every candidate ran on the republican ticket because they knew no demo could be elected. Come to find out these liberals were hiding in the closet like the homosexuals they promote. They were getting elected to our government under the pretenses of conservatism, then spending our tax money wastefully, particularly the BOE. Now that these pretenders have bloated the government, it’s time to pay attention to who runs as a Republican. Let’s start over by voting all incumbents out of office and make sure new candidates are really conservative. At the next election, I’ll bet you can’t find hardly anyone running as a Democrat. So watch out.

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JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Tue, 12/22/2009 - 4:52pm.

You live in the most conservative Republican area in the state. This is what you get with them in charge of everything. You're giving away your age here, describing a Republican Party that hasn't existed for 45 years. Those aren't closet Democrats you're being tricked into voting for; they're the modern Republicans. This is as good as it gets for you. If I may be so bold as to make a suggestion... why don't you run?

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