Those UFO's in charge last 8 years!

George W. Bush did not exist--he was a mirage! Cheney did not exist, he was a virtual!
Rumsfeld and Rove and Scooter did not exist--they were imagined.
Delay did not exist--he was in Texas the whole time. Gingrich has been dead for six years!

The democraticos caused all these problems and then didn't do anything about them. At least Bush had 12 Treasury Secretaries! And who was that old dude who kept telling us every few months that we were being exuberent but it was OK?

Limbaugher says it is the demos fault--not any republican had anything to do with it---sure we elected one with "gravitas" but he needed to resign long ago--we real repubs don't act like he does.

There is so much covering of the deep manure in Washington right now that it may never all be flushed into the Potomic! Imagine "I voted for it but that was before I voted agin it--or was it the other way around?
Anybody know what this paragraph means by several repub senators:

We are in a bind with the auto companies and they simply can't be allowed to fail so the dems need to somehow give them some money--I can't vote for that but I want them to have it---maybe George can do it? Anyway if they get the money (enough for a month) the unions MUST be busted, the wages must be cut 50%, NOW. Nobody gets paid who don't work. Cept us.

The UFOs must have been in charge, we don't do stuff or allow it like has happened to us! Just ask Herbert Hoover W. Bush! Why even rich people are hurting--ubheard of!

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Submitted by Nitpickers on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 8:28pm.

Falls on deaf ears here!!!

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