Analysts now agree with The Shadow

A Russian Analyst predicts decline and breakup of USA. The leading political analyst said the economic turmoil in the US has confirmed his long held view that the US is headed for collapse and will divide into separate parts. See (11-25-08).

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Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 10:32am.

рогатого скота!!! Smiling
Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

Submitted by fluffybear on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 11:57am.

Я согласен

JeffC's picture
Submitted by JeffC on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 12:12pm.

люди, которые читали тот участок вероятно, верят этому.

The Wedge's picture
Submitted by The Wedge on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 2:08pm.

Я столь впечатлен!!!

кто - то, который обертки непосредственно в "Ежедневно Kos" не должны бросить камни

Америка выживет, пока мы оцениваем нашу страну больше чем наша зависть и гнев нашим соотечественникам.

Cyclist's picture
Submitted by Cyclist on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 12:19pm.

Caution - The Surgeon General has determined that constant blogging is an addiction that can cause a sedentary life style.

sniffles5's picture
Submitted by sniffles5 on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 12:14pm.

Jeff, that's anatomically impossible.

Besides, I doubt you could get a goat to do that.

Edited to add: Я соглашаюсь Джеф

Git Real's picture
Submitted by Git Real on Thu, 12/04/2008 - 10:21am.

And regrettably so..... Sad

diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Fri, 12/05/2008 - 4:17pm.

Anyone want to field some questions for Mr. Drudge?

1. How will this break up take place?
2. Which part of the US will get the Military branches? Will they be raffled off? Auctioned?
3. Will Congress, The Senate, and the Execs just go away quietly, replaced regionally by strong Governors like Sarah P?
4. Does the Supreme Court do? Retire?

Who makes this stuff up? Even Russia has survived economic turmoil. And they aren't nearly as awesome as we are Smiling!

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