"Tailhook" Party Boy to Head Up McCain Transition Team

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Should McCain win the election, his transition team will be headed up by his buddy John Lehman, former Navy secretary in the Reagan administration. For those not familiar with John Lehman, he was an active particpant in the infamous Tailhook parties, one in particular that was written about in the 1995 book, Fall from Glory: The Men Who Sank the U.S. Navy, by Greg Vistica, the San Diego Union-Tribune reporter who broke the Tailhook scandal.

An eyewitness recounts a scene from the 1986 Tailhook meeting:

"When the door to the suite at the Las Vegas Hilton opened, a prominent member of President Ronald Reagan’s administration (Lehman) and a naked woman were clearly visible. He was lying on his back, stretched out in front of a throng of naval officers. There were probably one hundred men watching him, laughing with him….

Several of the Navy and Marine officers now crammed into the room…knew him personally and worshiped him. Many knew he was married and had three children. Almost everyone knew who he was, which made the show that much more fascinating….

Most of the officers in the room, including the man on his back, were hard-drinking renegades. Some had been partying for days, others for hours. The carpet was spongy and damp from alcohol spilled on it by drunken military men. The room itself reeked with the odor of booze and sweat. But nobody seemed to care much. All eyes were on the man and the naked woman standing over him, wagging her bare rump in a teasing motion. The men in the room went into a throaty uproar at the site, and their cheers and laughs grew louder as the show went on.

The man on the floor was Lehman. And this was the example he was setting at this particular Tailhook convention."

Another account of the Tailhook scandal--The Mother of All Hooks: The Story of the U.S. Navy’s Tailhook Scandal by William McMichael--noted that Lehman ate whipped cream out of...." (aaack! you'll need to Google that part...)

Lehman Bio



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diva's picture
Submitted by diva on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 5:11pm.

And, should Palin be the VP, it will be a written test; one question: WHAT IS YOUR JOB? And we will be doomed! Doomed
I say Laughing out loud Wow this girl is funny. Give her a $150K charge card, the questions in advance, and a spot on SNL and she still comes off as unintelligent and unlikeable. What's a pit bull to do?

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 8:11pm.

What do Osama and Obama have in common?

They both have friends that bombed the Pentagon.

alittlebirdietoldme's picture
Submitted by alittlebirdietoldme on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 8:31pm.

that needs to be on a bumper sticker

Fred Garvin's picture
Submitted by Fred Garvin on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 8:56pm.

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