Fannie, Freddy, and Budweiser!

It doesn't seem like the USA lately!
A foreign country is buying Budweiser!
The Chrysler Building is now in Arab Hands, I think.
What we seem to be selling to others are our assets, not our products!
The two major home owner banks in the USA, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac are listed on the NYSE, and are near worthless today.
Sunday, the D.C. idiots decided to give those two banks an ATM card to the tax treasury--to spend as they need it to survive, just as they dis Behr-Stearns.
The whooppiong interest rate they are charging the banks is slightly over 2%, which they will end up forgiving.

This also bails out the local banks who borrow from these two banks to make loans.

I say let a bunch of these unnecessary banks go completely broke! I don't owe the stockholders of those monopolies anything.

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