What is it with Tyrone?
When I came to PTC, route 74 went right through the middle of Tyrone.
I haven't been through there all the way since the by-pass was built.
All this ranting and raving by bloggers about the town management up there and the million dollars the budget is short, etc., sounds odd to me!
All I remember about Tyrone of early days was a BBQ place as you neared Tyrone, and old building full of used chairs, tables, freezers, etc.,a post office, I think, and a pretty good cat fish place. There were some other odd buildings around but I don't remember what they contained.
I always took it as a cotton bales pick-up point of days gone by or something like that.
Now many people seem terribly upset about the people who have been running the town. I know a lot of speculative houses have been built, and land has been annexed, but what is the fortune there that everyone is fussing about?
Are they afraid that the houses they bought might lose value for some reason?
The town itself seems to me to have been moved to the by-pass (or what could have been an expanded town--had it not been by-passed).
I suppose the cops and the town managers are still "downtown" somewhere.
Just what is the problems there for such a small place? Did the modern stores, etc., on the by-pass start bringing in some money and there are those who want to say how spend it?
Gracious PTC and it's 40,000 haven't got many more fusses going than Tyrone!
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