For all you "positive" thinkers

I'm sure our local taxes, in spite of inflation and recession, will be extremely fair this fall.What else could they be but fair no matter how much they continually increase every year. We have fair people setting those budgets, don't we? Of course we do.
Our wonderful banks have done such a marvelous job over the last few years, that I see no reason why we shouldn't build several more of them per block and sell the opening stock to certain people only---those who are fair, positive, and have a couple of hundred grand or more to spare for five years in order to make a few million. (expert con artists can be hired to run it) Those are the kind of people we need. Then they can loan people earning $5000 per year or less enough money to go broke. The government will bail them out! But that is a positive thing. (or is it a "good thing," as a certain stock cheat once said often.)
Positive, positive, positive, I love the sound.
The war is going great! The last six commanding generals--serving about one year each, have done marvelously obeying orders. Their books will sell well, making that a positive thing. All but Shinsecki, who was correct, and fired, but that was a positive thing.
Forget all the bad stuff of the past, learn nothing from it, just go at it again strictly positively!
As Pat Buchannan said in his latest book, If we hadn't interfered with England's handling of Hitler, the Jewish problems would not have happened.

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