When will the money run out?

It always has run out when those who loan decided on a coffee can in the back yard instead of a bank.
Also, when the government can print no more due to inflation, and our creditors not only halt the loans but demand payment of old loans.
How close are we? I don't know for sure.
The economists and politicians tell us we are still in good shape. That our loans as a percentage of Gross product are reasonable.
I don't understand that! It is as if they are saying: if we keep spending a lot, we can keep borrowing!
We don't want to pay our way--even for the entitlements. Much less for the nine trillion we owe everybody.
Is there anyone who thinks that the great horde of baby boomers coming up on retirement are suddenly going to start a spending spree and pull us out of the mess? No, they are not--they want some of the borrowed money instead!
We have already given away all of our manufacturing capability in order to appease our creditors, what else is there for us to do now?
I know, we can still raise military money and start wars over economics---the same thing all wars have always been about, although religion was verbally used as a reason in a few cases.
When will the money run out? I think it has in reality, but we have ways of stretching our credit and waste for awhile yet.
That will only get us in deeper.
Are we on our way to Roman, Grecian, and Persian results?
Let us not do it. You know how, but I know you will still ask: just what do you propose different?
Oh, I know: spend more on health care, spend more on entitlements, raise a huge army, use food as a weapon, and blame it all on the minorities and other religions again!
Yes, and spend more but cut taxes on the rich and corporations so they will make more jobs. Boy, that works anymore.

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