Keep the government out, really?

Since the federal government has intervened in saving the investment banks who promoted and bought the poor quality home loans, I have not heard one peep out of the conservatives about why is the government getting into business and providing them cheap money with which to operate?

Could it be that some of these conservatives build houses; some are involved with hedge funds and investment banks; some are ordinary bankers (if there is such a thing); some own much stock; and some are getting squeezed?

However, by ALL means do not do anything to help any individuals conned by these unscrupulous paper shufflers!

Should the shareholders of Goldman Sacs, and many other hedge houses be protected though? My goodness, if we don't help them our economy will adjust on it's own!! Can't think that is prudent right now!

Just three of the top executives of Bear Stearns hedge cheating house, took home about a half TRILLION dollars before they skedaddled!
They also made a lot of stock trading con artists rich while doing so.
But, let us have no regulations?

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