Gang Article

Is this lady for real? I find it amazing that issues like these are always turned into a RACE issue. Give me a break. I moved here in 1999 and have had 3 children graduate from Fayette County High School. I have slowly seen the transition of many things going down hill to include losing our shopping area to others from outside Fayette County. I no longer do my shopping in Fayetteville due to what it has become and 99 percent are NOT Fayette County residence, it is mostly Clayton and Fulton County residence who now has taken that over and they don't pay our taxes. So sad and as a resident of Fayette County I choose to pay the high taxes so I know I have excellent Police & Fire protection. For the increase of gang activity, our police force should continue doing what they are doing stopping these delinquents and putting them in JAIL where they belong. Where are the PARENTS of these delinquents??? Maybe the parent should sit in jail beside these delinquents until they can control their children. I believe that our Police Force is doing a excellent job they should be allowed to continue to do their job. For the mother who stated that her College children are a fraid of the Fayette County police wake up--if they don't break the law they will not be singled out! If they BREAK the law then they need to be arrested. I have a college student who returns every weekend to WORK and never has she ever been harassed by any of the officers. I personally know several of the officers and they are nothing but professionals. To everyone that has moved into Fayette County/Fayetteville that don't like how our Police Force does business then MOVE, like to Clayton, Fulton Counties and see how well you would like their Police Force and Schools. No I don't think so. To the Fayetteville Police and Fayette County Sheriff Departments keep up the great work!

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