Teenagers and Israel

A columnist in this paper doesn't want the 17-19 year old military enlistees called "kids."
Some of our congressmen and senators want us to assume the protection of Israel whenever another country, like Iran, threatens them.
Well, putting on a uniform doesn't change our grandchildren into adults, and protecting Israel at any cost may not be the norm now. Israel hasn't done much that has been any benefit for us lately. They are a presence in that area instead of us, but we had to go anyway, and I expect we will stay.
More on kids in the military: it is OK for them to join or be drafted at 17-19, but two to three years of training and schooling should precede any combat, or potential combat assignment! In order to be able to protect ourselves using that plan would indeed require twice as many in the military as now. We apparently need them nowadays considering the actions of our elected leaders.
Frankly, Jordan, Israel, Lebanon, and maybe others should all be one nation. None of them really have much future as they are.

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