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No free rides for developers on PTC westside!The recent article “PTC ducks density issue for annexation” has the developers sounding like they are victims or something. Kathryn Zickert of Levitt and Sons acts like we owe her something for the privilege of her subdivision being in Peachtree City. “Zickert said the company was willing to ‘slow down’ the process so it could insure it will keep all the promises it makes to the city. Her concern was how the proposed impact fees will cut into Levitt’s ability to meet those promises.” Wait a minute, how do the impact fees keep them from fulfilling their promises? If I’m not mistaken, most of us paid impact fees on our homes if we were the original owner. We didn’t cry when an impact fee was built into the price of our home, we just paid it. The Wieland people can’t get their 399 townhomes so they pull the public amenities they had planned. Why would we want to work with a developer who acts like that? And what are we going to do with the 1,000 school kids from the new Wieland subdivision? Who is paying for the new school? We're paying enough taxes for schools now. Jones's blog | login to post comments |