]> MIKEK's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/871 en Cranium Deficit In Washinton http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/17750 <p>Let's begin with the approval ratings that were reported today: Bush at 23% and Congress at 19%, does anyone inside the Washington Beltway have a connection with there constituency? Surely these folks have something to keep them occupied, since our border with Mexico is a national disgrace, we have waged a stalemated war for four years with half our representatives opting for an outright surrender, english rapidly becoming our second language and a tax code that rewards underachievers while penalizing those that better themselves economically. We did not elect these statespeople to posture for reelection, we elected them with an aspiration that they were willing to serve on our behest toward the betterment of our land. Surely they can see that by squandering the fortunes of our forefathers while mortgaging that of our children and getting absolutely nothing done of consequence in the interim will bode negative for their political futures.</p> Thu, 14 Jun 2007 14:34:44 -0400 PRESIDENTIAL LEGACIES http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/17051 <p>The written legacies of past presidents are, and will from now on, be slanted by the views of those who do the writing. Historical facts, notwithstanding, have little or no bearing on how a president will be remembered. Specifically, Mr Carter will be recognized as both healer and traitor having taken the stand on the Draft Evaders of the Viet Nam War. History has proven him to be right in his decision although many veterans would strongly disagree. Mr Nixon will forever be associated with Watergate and not the opening of long awaited relations with China. Mr Ford's legacy surely will be that of stumbling out of Air Force One and not of bringing credibility back into the White House. Mr Kennedy will certainly be remembered for his charisma and of his untimely death and not of the Bay of Pigs invasion.</p> Mon, 21 May 2007 11:47:08 -0400 BUMPER STICKERS http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/16670 <p>Having to commute to and from the northside daily, I have found myself paying much more attention to bumper stickers at a much higher frequency. I believe it was Friday when at a light the vehicle in front of me had several, one of which I'd like to share: "Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun".</p> Mon, 07 May 2007 14:42:49 -0400 Biking Around Peachtree City http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/16595 <p>One of the simple pleasures of warm weather is driving across town in an old sports car with the top removed. As the case yesterday proved, everything was splendid for the first quarter mile until I had to pass the cross country bikers with whom we now all share our streets. With them riding single file, it's no big deal, but when they are two and three abreast those in cars simply have to wait.</p> Wed, 02 May 2007 09:56:57 -0400 ARE THERE NO SACRED COWS? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/16460 <p>Having read through the comments/blogs over the past year, I conclude that what was perhaps in a simpler time things one simply did not question without reason and the facts to substantiate. Although quite entertaining, when one from either political side challenges another, have we all lowered ourselves to name calling and accusation slinging. We have begun to display military medals to cloak our insecurity, change our names to protect our thin skins, and then demand apologies or censorship. Can we not just state our opinions and be done with it?</p> Fri, 27 Apr 2007 11:50:46 -0400