]> lgo1303's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/8413 en Get Real CAT and>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/19440 <p>understand what is written in front of you. First off what gives you the right besides the First Amendment to attack and lash out at those in our county that rent their home ,Apartment or room as being inferior to you because you allege to own property and they don't. Your assertion that a renter is less of a Citizen is absurd and ludicrous, It must be great living on that mountain of yours passing judgment like you are a God. When I last rented, my lease was month to month after the first year with a 30 or 60 day notice of moving. I also believe if you want to check with any landlord a pro-rated portion of each month's rent is allocated to the payment of taxes. There again from your lofty view , you have neglected to see the whole picture that renters indirectly pay property tax. They also pay sales tax,Ad valor um and splost taxes and such as they go about buying groceries,cloths ,and things in this county. SO BACK OFF the almighty idea that you are better than a renter because you own property. I do also and I understand that Public means public not just Landowners. Oh maybe you want to own a plantation and may all renters work as slaves and sharecroppers so you can view them from aloft cause they aren't worthy to send their kids to your public school.</p> Thu, 09 Aug 2007 13:00:09 -0400