]> Daniel Ross's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/62 en Leslie Contracting to assume costs to fix PTC police station http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/28588 <p>From the AJC:</p> <p>Peachtree City and the company that built its moisture-plagued police station have reached an agreement about its repair.</p> Thu, 22 May 2008 10:46:28 -0400 Ragtime at SCHS http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/26473 <p>Hello fellow bloggers.</p> <p>It's that time of year again. </p> <p>From the students that brought you West Side Story:</p> <p>"Ragtime takes place in the United States during the first two decades of the twentieth century, just before the outbreak of World War 1. The story revolves around individuals from three diverse social classes: the Upper Class, Immigrants, and Blacks. The fictional characters interact with historical figures who were alive at the turn of the century. Historic and imagined events are woven together, blurring the lines between history and fiction to emphasize the journeys of the characters by setting them against the epic struggles of our nation's heritage."</p> Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:39:00 -0400 Onyxx goes belly up http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/24762 <p>Slim dining options in Fayette</p> <p>By Abby Brunks | Wednesday, January 23, 2008, 12:19 PM</p> <p>The Atlanta Journal-Constitution</p> Wed, 23 Jan 2008 20:48:19 -0500 Paul Johnson Hired http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/23462 <p>AJC has reported that Paul Johnson, the prior Navy Head Coach, has accepted the position of Head Coach at Georgia Tech.</p> Fri, 07 Dec 2007 16:50:30 -0500 Chan Gailey Fired! http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/22995 <p>As of 11:45 a.m. today, Dan Radakovich, Athletics Director here at Tech, announced that the head football coach position was open once more. After only 6 seasons at GT, Chan's ability to lose to UGA ultimately lead to his firing even though he had a winning record.</p> Mon, 26 Nov 2007 11:55:12 -0500 West Side Story http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/15377 <p>Hello Citizen readers,</p> <p>This post is to inform you that the Drama and Chorus Departments of Sandy Creek High School are putting on "West Side Story" this Thursday through Saturday, March 22-24, at 7 p.m.</p> Wed, 21 Mar 2007 20:17:42 -0400 Sandy Creek High School Marching Patriots http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/12341 <p>I would like to thank all of the people that donated money to the Sandy Creek Marching Patriots' trip to Chicago to march in the McDonald's State Street Thanksgiving Day Parade and to the Citizen for advertising our fundraising opportunities. It was a lot of fun, but the parade was not broadcast down here. However, it has been uploaded to Chicago's ABC station. Click on the link to get to the page with the video <a href="http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=contest_sweepstakes&amp;id=4717278"> Sandy Creek Patriots in Chicago</a></p> Mon, 27 Nov 2006 19:10:56 -0500 What's Good About Tyrone? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/5954 <p>I've also decided to do one on the lesser known Fayette town of Tyrone. What do y'all have to say about Tyrone and Nort</p> Sun, 23 Apr 2006 17:57:04 -0400 What is Good About Fayetteville? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/5953 <p>After seeing JAS's blog about PTC, I decided to do one on Fayetteville. So lets hear what you have to say about Fayette</p> Sun, 23 Apr 2006 17:55:33 -0400 Divisiveness http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/1397 <p>All over this site are examples of adults who openly disagree on what should be done about the war. Sure, we need our troops to be removed as soon as possible, but they cannot be moved without America looking like even more stupid than when we first invaded Iraq. With Democrats and Republicans being so divided over what should happen, this achieves what I think one of the objectives of the extremists is: to divide America so that we implode. As Ben Franklin, one of our Founding Fathers, once said, "We must all hang togther, or assuredly we shall all hang separately." I need not analyze that. In the Liberty Song of 1768, composer John Dickinson created the lyrics "Then join in hand, brave Americans all! By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall." Together, you, the adults, must forget your differences and join forces to support our troops and show the extremists in the world that America will waver at nothing, by coming together a facade would be built and our true emotions would hide behind the ones that we gave off to the world. I say this as a teenager who will vote in the 2006 elections. It is very dissapointing to see those who already vote disagreeing so much over a major issue. It almost makes the upcoming voters not want to vote. After seeing that I'm not even voting yet you might discredit me, but these are my feelings after reading several comments/blogs/etc where grown-ups argue over worthy causes, but slander each other at the same time. Get your act together for the future of our country. Sure we might have horrible politicians now, but obviously a majority voted for Bush for a second term. I'm sorry you have to wait 3 more years, but hey, that's the voter's fault.</p> Fayette Thu, 24 Nov 2005 22:12:08 -0500