]> Kamots's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/4545 en P---lant S---till C---ontinuing http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/9089 <p>Well it is early Tuesday morning, about 1 a.m. to be precise, and the onion smell mysteriously returns every MONDAY night. It did not smell over the weekend, and now it is clearly present outside. I just let the dog in from his pre-bedtime activities and made the mistake of walking outside without my little mask on that I keep by the door. I find it strange that the smell of onions only makes itself present on weeknights and when no officials are around. Nights that used to be spent sitting on the porch, listening to the crickets, swatting mosquitoes no longer exist this close to the plant. Actually there are no crickets, moths, mosquitoes at all. Even a short trip to get the dog makes my nose run, then get stuffed up, and then to start...well I will spare you the details, but just know that it is gross. It is not like the regular stuff associated with a cold or sinus infection, it is much more disgusting. And by the way, I was under the assumption that they were not supposed to be processing anything new or anything that they had already received until they have reattained their permit. I wish you could photograph smells or push them through the phone sometimes just so those who think this company is trying to do right can know the truth. Anyway, back to the rant, I am sick of them being able to do what ever they want when ever they want. I do not believe that they have stopped processing anything, I do not believe that they are not receiving more shipments and I am really getting tired of hearing they have been shut down, only to walk outside and smell their residual discharge.</p> Tue, 08 Aug 2006 01:44:09 -0400 P---hilips S---candal C---ountrywide http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/9064 <p>It would seem as though the fine people at PSC are not strangers to the current type of situation that we are experiencing here in the South Fulton, North Fayette area. After doing weeks of research and "googleing" numerous combinations of the following:</p> Sun, 06 Aug 2006 19:11:16 -0400 P---oison S---till C---ontaminating http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/9017 <p>The PSC people have successfully appealed the order to stop accepting waste and clean up their facility. Just like a kid going from parent to parent until the answer given is the one he/she wants. Well it was a short trip for them to get re-opened. While I know that the people investigating PSC know how to do their job, I would still like to offer the following:</p> Thu, 03 Aug 2006 00:44:25 -0400 P---roprl S---mell C---ontinues http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/8894 <p>Well it is Tuesday after the plant should have been shut down and it still smells...at least it did this morning. Two new trucks went in the facility last night, one was a large tanker truck with a large black steel frame weelded around it. This morning there was a new tanker truck bearing the name "Paragon" on it. Backing into the drive way and I took a picture of the guy getting out of the truck. This was about 7:50 in the a.m.</p> Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:18:19 -0400 P---ermanent S---hutdown C---hallenge http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/8866 <p>FROM SATURDAY NIGHT - DSL WENT DOWN SO I COULD NOT POST THIS THEN</p> <p>So the plant is to be shut down now...not sure if it has already been closed or if they can work during the 5 days they have to appeal the decision. Well, tonight it is raining at the plant, I am about one 1/2 mile away from them so I know. Rain, the most pleasant sound you can listen to, and one of the most familiar scents in nature. Wow, what a great feeling to be able to open the windows so we can listen and smell the rain, without the onions right now anyway. Earlier I went out to brush our dog and the smell was pretty obvious, the rotten onion/garlic odor is hard to forget after smelling it enough times. Anyway, we are gracious that the EPD listened and is concerned enough to take this course of action. Just for the record, I have noticed a few large vacuum trucks going to the facility in the a.m. when I am on my way out to A-Town.</p> Mon, 31 Jul 2006 00:03:40 -0400 And they wouldn't do it again.... http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/8628 <p>just check out the following link:</p> <p>http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/frontpage/seattle_pima1x220010808.pdf</p> Sat, 22 Jul 2006 01:10:01 -0400 P---olutting S---ociety C---hemically http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/8627 <p>Man the smell is bad tonight, we have not smelled it for a few days to this degree and this might be the worst night yet. I assume they are making up for the lost processing time when the media and the PSC reps from Washington state were here. Can't process when the big dogs are around, they might get a little sick you know! Anyway, I took my son outside for about 1 minute earlier, he is 2 1/2, and before we could get back inside his eyes were swollen, puffy and red. But PSC is not still processing I forgot....yeah right.</p> Sat, 22 Jul 2006 00:26:24 -0400