]> Robert W. Morgan's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/397 en Hillary, Mitt and Sarah 24/7 to 2012 http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/42130 <p>Well it has started. The CNN poll that shows Obama below 50% chance of getting reelected. Big fall in just 13 months.</p> Wed, 17 Feb 2010 06:26:39 -0500 Real American, right here. Cyclist asked. Here it is http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/41040 <p>This is a response to David's Mom when she questioned my definition of Real Americans.</p> <p>The fact that I have to actually explain the definition of Real Americans is in itself a statement on how far we have declined as a country.</p> Thu, 10 Dec 2009 20:59:13 -0500 Welcome Mike Amos http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/41038 <p>Everybody thinks I am you - or you are me, which is not true.</p> <p>So I am glad you have joined us and we can be different people here, as we are in real life.</p> Thu, 10 Dec 2009 20:09:44 -0500 BTW, what happened to Cindy Morely? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/37843 <p>She had a farewell column in yesterday's paper - no reason given for leaving, like a new and better job or anything. The same paper had a classified ad for an editor - her position, I believe. I know she was a big fan of getting Plunkett elected mayor. Is she going to be her campaign manager?</p> Fri, 03 Jul 2009 07:36:29 -0400 Obama's aunt is part of the October surprise http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/32928 <p>No big October surprise this tie - just a series of small ones:<br /> Socialism<br /> Joe the Plumber<br /> $250k? $200? $250?<br /> Obama will be tested</p> Sat, 01 Nov 2008 06:46:48 -0400 What is Jimmy Carter up to? Has he lost his mind? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/27407 <p>Meeting with Hamas and honoring Arafat? These people are/were terrorists. What would happen if they decided to kidnap him and pressure the U.S. for release of some of those thugs at Guantanamo?</p> Thu, 17 Apr 2008 06:28:25 -0400 Anybody know anything about Somerby Assisted Living? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/25313 <p>This was approved last year across from the animal shelter on 74 and was supposed to be 300 units in a gated community. Anybody know if they are proceeding or who to contact? I keep calling and e-mailing their other community in Alpharetta and get no response or calls back.</p> Sat, 09 Feb 2008 12:07:00 -0500 Mike Harman http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/21095 <p>I will be watching Mike Harman very carefully the next couple of City Council meetings to see how he votes on critical issues. He needs to be independent of Harold and Steve so we don't have a repeat of the voting blocs that were the hallmark of Brown, Rapson, Weed (and early on - Tennant).</p> Tue, 02 Oct 2007 07:14:39 -0400 Harold Logsdon wins the next election http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/17131 <p>I guess not enough people read what I said about this before since I did not get one name of anybody who could beat Harold in an election - if it were held today. Plenty of discontent, but no real idea of who would beat him and how. Therefore, I resubmit the following and ask for comments and/or answers.</p> Tue, 22 May 2007 19:48:47 -0400 Direct PAC vs. Chicago Bears http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/14146 <p>Yes Steve, everyone knows you are Spear Road Guy.</p> <p>Direct PAC asked me to their first meeting and after all the emotional crap they adopted a mission statement which was to defeat you/Steve Brown in the next election.</p> Tue, 06 Feb 2007 20:59:33 -0500 So, now what? GRTA has spoken. http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/13633 <p>Not many choices, but here they are<br /> #1. Go get more land from Pathways, redesign the bridge and road for 4 lanes and build it. Cost $2,000,000 more. Benefit we please GRTA and still get state money - and we make Coweta happy.</p> Wed, 17 Jan 2007 20:16:21 -0500 Question for Cal http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/12456 <p>How does Steve Brown manage to write a letter to the editor (actually many letters) that address recent news items that appear on the front page of the same issue of the paper? Most of us read the news when it is published - Wednesday in the paper or Tuesday night on the website and we make our comments then. Brown, on the other hand has his comments printed in the very same paper that contains the news.</p> Thu, 30 Nov 2006 06:41:03 -0500 Democrat's dying day http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/9090 <p>The Democratic Party has 2 members with high national recognition up for renomination for the right to represent their party in the November election. You couldn't find two people further apart morally and intellectually than Joe Lieberman and Cynthia McKinney, but there they are. This could happen for all the wrong reasons, but if Lieberman is out and McKinney is in, all self-respecting Democrats should be ashamed of their formerly great national party. Zell Miller predicted it in his book and if the Democrats voting today value McKinney over Lieberman – shame on them.</p> Tue, 08 Aug 2006 06:04:24 -0400