]> bowser's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/1248 en 'Employer' and 'health insurance' don't belong in same sentence http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/38613 <p>Cal Beverly’s editorial titled “Democrats healthcare = horror show for small business” unwittingly raises the most fundamental question of all – and one that isn’t even being asked.</p> Sun, 09 Aug 2009 09:46:38 -0400 "Wall Street" (v.2009) http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/34537 <p>As a regular reader of the Wall Street Journal I love its understatement. Friday, in a story about departing Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain, there was this gem:</p> Sat, 24 Jan 2009 10:39:46 -0500 Warning: Obscene reading http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/33860 <p>If this article doesn't boil your blood, you're already dead. (Or you're one of those people who's convinced himself that the only culprits in the financial meltdown are Barney Frank and Acorn.)</p> Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:26:33 -0500 QUESTIONS FOR NICOLE http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/32688 <p>Ms. File:<br /> We are less than two weeks out from the election, and the “issues” and “splost” sections of your web site are still “under construction.” Presumably that refers to the site, not to your views.</p> Thu, 23 Oct 2008 08:18:13 -0400 Media "attacks" on Palin http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/31503 <p>The GOP-Hannity-Rush storyline on Sarah-of-Arc Palin is now that she has been savagely attacked by the media, which wants to "kill" her.</p> Fri, 05 Sep 2008 16:40:46 -0400 Through the GOP looking glass http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/31424 <p>I watched some GOP convention last night on c-span to avoid the talking heads. Worked great, except that at times I thought I was at a John Wayne film festival -- one war movie after another. It is our national narrative, it seems....</p> Wed, 03 Sep 2008 09:04:35 -0400 Shameless McCain http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/31164 <p>Is there no issue on which John McCain won't play the POW card? </p> <p>Caught unaware of how many homes he and his gazillionaire wife own, McCain now is using his war heroism of 40-plus years ago as a deflector shield.</p> Tue, 26 Aug 2008 08:08:16 -0400 Cable TV troubles, anyone? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/29038 <p>Last fall we "upgraded" to Comcast's digital cable and then, this winter, added HD.</p> <p>But ever since -- and especially since adding HD -- several channels have been unwatchable because of something called "tiling." The picture basically is fragmented into little blocks that dance around on the screen. It only happens on some channels, and it comes and goes on some of them.</p> Fri, 06 Jun 2008 13:34:14 -0400 The origin of SB 458 http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/26757 <p>Front-page article in AJC on SB 458 doesn't mention the Fayette angle, but it does shed a little light on the broader context.</p> Wed, 26 Mar 2008 07:56:06 -0400 Q's for Mike King http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/24825 <p>First, I appreciate your becoming involved in these blogs. It’s rare to get an actual insight into a candidate’s thought processes (albeit after he lost). Maybe all council candidates should be required to participate here for six months BEFORE the election…just a thought <img src="misc/smileys/smile.png" title="Smiling" alt="Smiling" /></p> Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:23:26 -0500 Quothe the Huckster http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/24727 <p>Abortion is wrong "for the same reason that we think it's wrong for a parent to strap a bomb to the belly of his own child and blow up the child for his cause."</p> Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:34:45 -0500 For the birds http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/24431 <p>Timeout from politics and stuff for a minute...</p> <p>I’m not a real birder (birdbrain maybe) but like a lot of us I enjoy watching our feathered friends at the backyard feeders and bath.</p> Mon, 14 Jan 2008 08:12:48 -0500 Newsflash: God endorses Huck http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/23482 <p>Well, the "Christian Leader" ad spot must have found a bigger target market than we thought.</p> <p>Asked at a speech what explains his recent rise in the polls, Huckabee implied that God is now officially on his side:</p> Sun, 09 Dec 2007 17:12:57 -0500 More on Rev. Huckster http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/23446 <p>JeffC, Picking up from the Romney blog below, I doubt that you and conservative pundit Charles Krauthammer agree on much, but I think you will applaud his latest analysis of the Battle of the Bible between Huckabee and Romney.</p> Fri, 07 Dec 2007 07:03:10 -0500 Westmoreland makes sense? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/17989 <p>I'm no fan of Lynn Westmoreland, but I think he makes a strong, articulate case in today's AJC for his vote against a bill to spend up to $100 million on investigations of unsolved civil rights-era crimes. You read that right -- $100 million.</p> Fri, 22 Jun 2007 08:33:06 -0400