]> rm.snell's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/11884 en Tyrone is behind the times http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/29812 <p>I was going back to review the minutes to the council and planning meetings and see that there are none for June and part of May.</p> Fri, 04 Jul 2008 16:45:05 -0400 Calling all dog owners http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/29616 <p>Does anyone have information on the Dog Park in Peachtree City? We have a couple large dogs and are looking for a great place for them to play.</p> Sun, 29 Jun 2008 19:45:55 -0400 Tyrone -a town that will be a laugh a minute http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/25292 <p>Interesting how the new planning commision are the cronies of some of the council. These next few years are going to be very entertaining to watch. The questions of the day are, "Will the 2 ladies of the council mainpulate and pull strings?". "Will the men of council get tired and grow a set and put a stop to crap"?</p> Thu, 07 Feb 2008 21:41:39 -0500 free speech is full of the best quips http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/24557 <p>I did not write this but found it in free speech 1-16-08. Hail to the open views of the public:</p> <p>Tyrone’s new Town Council is 0-3. The new council promised ethical government; the citizens got an investigation of the mayor by the state of Georgia’s Ethics Commission. The new council promised open government; the citizens got secret council meetings at the mayor’s house. The new council promised to be fiscally responsible; the citizens got a new town manager with less duties than the previous manager, paid $22,000 above the maximum for a small town and a 58 percent increase in the hourly rate paid by the taxpayers for a town attorney.</p> Wed, 16 Jan 2008 22:01:15 -0500