]> PTC Avenger's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/11847 en Holder Is A Coward On Rape http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/35240 <p>Usually, I make little mention of the differentials in crime statistics based upon race, and for good reason: European-Americans are a fair-minded people who are uncomfortable with painting people with too broad of a brush. We tend to be very individualistic and try to judge each person on his own merit, so most of our audience realizes that a broad statistic about a given ethnic group doesn't justify condemning a given individual.</p> Tue, 24 Feb 2009 16:36:03 -0500 CVS Is Racist http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/35003 <p>According to civil rights leaders in Boston.</p> <p>BOSTON -- A group of Boston community activists are protesting what they claim is a discriminatory move to lock up condoms in a Dorchester CVS pharmacy.</p> Sun, 15 Feb 2009 09:23:38 -0500 What's Really Happening In Gaza http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/34266 <p>Here are pictures you won't see in the media. I thought Israel was targeting Hamas, instead there are bodies of dead children strewn across the ground. What's going on over there, and our government's tacit approval, makes me ashamed to be an American.</p> Sat, 10 Jan 2009 16:51:37 -0500 captainsarcasm: An Atlanta History Lesson http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/34016 <p>First off, let me apologize for having to put this in the blog section. I originally replied to the blog written by captainsarcasm, but for some reason whenever I click on the link under Recent Comments it takes me to the first page of the news article, not to the third where my correction resides.</p> Fri, 26 Dec 2008 16:53:27 -0500 Brandon's Package Store in PTC http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/33753 <p>A friend of mine told me that this store was robbed last night by, you guessed it, black males.</p> <p>Anyone heard anything about this? Is there any truth to it?</p> Fri, 12 Dec 2008 17:25:31 -0500 The Era of White Guilt is Over http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/33629 <p>"Look at my fellow conservatives! There they go, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. </p> <p>Not me. I'm virtually euphoric. Don't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America 's flirtation with neo- socialism. But there's a massive silver lining in those magical clouds that lofted Barak Obama to the Presidency.</p> Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:20:07 -0500 The Hypocrisy of the Gay Community http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/33523 <p>Remember the guy named Matthew Shepard who was murdered in Wyoming? For weeks, ney, months, we heard about how this poor guy was brutally murdered by two evil straight guys.</p> Fri, 28 Nov 2008 21:07:47 -0500 How hard is it to be a Republican right now? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/32007 <p>With the economy in shambles...</p> <p>McCain trying to run from the debate...</p> <p>The Palin/Couric interview...</p> <p>How hard is it to be a republican?</p> Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:20:08 -0400 What if Obama Loses? http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/31651 <p>Gary Fields and Jonathan Kaufman, Wall Street Journal, September 10, 2008</p> <p>An anxious murmur is rising among black voters as the presidential race tightens: What if Sen. Barack Obama loses?</p> Thu, 11 Sep 2008 20:41:24 -0400