]> Boo's blog http://archive.thecitizen.com/blog/10246 en Cheating in Atlanta schools, you gotta be kidding http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/42059 <p>Da AJC must be lying. Dey say de investigation show nearly 90 percent of de test answers wer changed. Who did it? It not superitendent Bevley Hall. Cause she named supertendent of year havin d highest provment of test scores in Alanta. Dis not witstanding she had one of nations lowes test scores wen she was in dat post in Nework NJ. Dat cause dey did a lot of new work up ther. Bsides Bevley got $82000 bunos last year for increased test scores in alanta even tho ther wer complains befor of cheatin in alanta schools and Bevley was rebuked by govnor Purdue in 08. Tha dont count caus hes a white rasist. A likly suspet of who dit it is presdent Bush. He da one who startet this no child left behind program. Bush wanted evry child in da nation to hav a college ed. And Bush knuw dam well dat 100 yurs of IQ testing shows only bout 20 percent of de peoples are colledge material. Bush probly snuck in an changd all de test. Parent Phillippia Harris say its de teatchers fault. She say teatchers dont teah. But da teachers say dey was told if yor chilrens dont pass da test you wont hav a job nex year. Some guy printed a ajc carton dat showd a white alanta teacher tellin her black students to talk to hur lowyer if dey wante info bout de test scores. It seems mos likely dat de white techers wer doing de cheatin.</p> Sun, 14 Feb 2010 13:56:15 -0500 Tyrone Manager Venice Sues Fayette Co. http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/36155 <p>Tyrone’s Town manager Chris Venice is suing the Fayette Commission for sexual discrimination over her firing as County Administrator in 2007. Venice alleges that if she had been a male, the firing would not have occurred. The suit which was filed in Federal Court asks Judge Jack Camp for punitive damages.</p> Fri, 10 Apr 2009 17:25:42 -0400 Cal Beverly & Steve Brown Supports http://archive.thecitizen.com/node/22184 <p>Rehwaldt for Mayor, Young &amp; Shenkle for Council Posts 1 &amp; 2.</p> <p>HEY! TYRONE 30290 &amp; AMG2022, are you afraid to trash Cal Beverly &amp; Steve Brown?</p> Thu, 01 Nov 2007 14:00:37 -0400