S. Lindsey: The Fierce Urgency of Pork

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The Fierce Urgency of Pork
By Charles Krauthammer
Friday, February 6, 2009; Washington Post

"A failure to act, and act now, will turn crisis into a catastrophe."

Fred Garvin: Back on Uncle Sam's Plantation

baroombrawl: Get rid of riff-raff

I have decided that the best thing for PTC would be to raise our home taxes to the maximum allowed by law, add 3-4% local sales tax to all purchases, and charge a large fee just to live within the city limits.

baroombrawl: Odd Bunch

After reading back, having just joined, I find this blog something maybe worth staying away from!

There are a few who speak intelligently and have our best interests as a government at heart, but many who only want what they have now.

Phil Whitley: J.D. Moye and MuleSpeak

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Did I mention that J.D. was bi-lingual? He spoke mule, and I was impressed from the first time I ever heard him as he plowed a field with “Ol’ Buck”, his all-time favorite mule.

Nitpickers: Can'y broke banks be legally closed?

Wouldn't it be better to simply close the broke ones, give the "good assets" to the few not broken, and start over?

That way we could provide the "bailout" money to the good banks, who might loan it for houses and cars and such.

Bonkers: A little help, Please

My new HP F2210 scanner, copier installs my pictures or letters on my computer OK, but I can't attach them to an e-mail!

hutch866: Git Real is a lesbian

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An old cowboy named Git Real sat down at the Starbucks and ordered a cup of coffee.. As he sat sipping his coffee, a young woman sat down next to him.

Fred Garvin: Obama's Hypocrisy at the National Prayer Breakfast

Fred Garvin: This is change?

BOLO: ATTENTION FCBOE: take a lesson from Henry County

Now, Henry County understands how to keep the illegals at bay -- the illegal students, that is.

S. Lindsey: President Obama dropped charges on the terrorist who planned to bomb the U.S.S. Cole

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Now why would he do that?
I thought the people in America voted and elected Obama.. Not the Middle East..
With Obama ordering the suspension of the trials of the terrorist in Gitmo to now BY EXECUTIVE ORDER has the charges dropped against the Terrorist that planned the USS COle bombing.. that KILLED 17 AMERICANS..

Fred Garvin: Democrats on wrong side

Spyglass: Location of 5-AAAA Basketball Tourney..

Anyone have any information on where it's going to be held this year.


Richard Hobbs: Happy Birthday Mr. President

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Today, February 6th is the birthday of one of the greatest Presidents in American History, Ronald Wilson Reagan.

Its sad to see his inspiration for an America that promotes individual responsibility and reward, for hope, faith, and charity in our country and in ourselves is being quickly stolen by the Marxist that now holds the White House. But, I have to believe this to will change.

Fred Garvin: CBO: Obama stimulus harmful over long haul

Nitpickers: Cheney bloviating!

I saw him yesterday warning that if Obama didn't continue the hard-line terrorist policies of his administration, we would be hit here in the USA again, soon!

Nitpickers: More and more con jobs!

When will the new administration enforce the false ad rules on the books?
Just one example:
Oprah Winfrey (or Steadman, or whomever she is) and now Rachael Ray, are again promoting "diet" plans for poor overweight people who will believe anything, over and over.

snoopy19: Help: Can I borrow a crinoline?

My 10 year old daughter will be in the South Fayette County Pageant, to benefit Brooks Elementary, and we can't find a crinoline. It goes under her formal dress and makes it stand out and "poofy". Is there anyone who would let me borrow, buy, or rent theirs?

Fred Garvin: The Fear Monger in Chief Speaks

sniffles5: Coons in the White House!

Spear Road Guy: No Inmate Laborers In Peachtree City!!!

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A friend of Mayor Logsdon's told me the mayor is considering using inmate labor to save money on trash pick up and public works details as a cost saving measure.

S. Lindsey: Gore to 12 year olds: 'you know things older people don't know'

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Al Gore giving a speech to 3,000 young school kids the day before inauguration. We all know that Gore would blab on and on about the dangers of global warming (hopefully in 15 years when the Earth hasn't melted the kids will realize it's not as tragic as Gore makes it sound) but the real shocker was how he told these kids NOT to listen to their parents.

Nitpickers: Still unbelievers!

We are headed for a Depression! The English said it today and if those tight-lipped leaders say it they know something we don't seem to know.

TinCan: Change we can believe in

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Sorry I'll get the link fixed.

stevie711: snow 93

It was the weekend of the race

Fred Garvin: The National Ponzi Scheme

S. Lindsey: Obama new National Anthem

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Learn it Love it Believe it..


GaDawg: All the so called speedtraps

I read all of the complaints about the Fayetteville Police writing speeding tickets and how someone needs to stop this anarchy. About how they are cheating the public and just taking our money.

winer: Baby Kroger

Athens has a 2nd gym moving into a former grocery store front. Could baby Kroger be a suitable site for a gym? We already have one PTC gym in the Aberdeen Center where a small grocery used to be.

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