Wednesday, November 17, 1999
Does owning a business disqualify one from running for office here?

I can see as I have read and reread the articles, ads and editorials in the Fayette papers during this election period one might reach the conclusion I have reached. That conclusion being that a business person that owns and operates any number of businesses in the city of Fayetteville, even though they live here, work here and call Fayetteville home, would be excluded from holding public office.

It concerns me, not taking either of the candidates side in the city council runoff, that the one that works outside the city can say that the one that works in the city would have a conflict of interest because he has a relationship with many people, personal and business, in the city.

Do we not use lawyers to help make law and is the Surgeon General not a doctor. Again not to take sides, but where is the line drawn. Can good ethical people, regardless of occupation, not serve our community.

Linda Clark

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