The Fayette Citizen-News Page
Wednesday, November 10, 1999
Harvesters of pine straw need permit

Entrepreneurs tempted to gather pine straw from vacant woods and then sell it to homeowners for their landscaping needs should think twice, according to the Georgia Forestry Commission.

The commission has issued a seasonal reminder that gathering pine straw requires a “certificate of harvest” from the land owner. Gathering without one is a misdemeanor.

Senate Bill 88, passed in 1989, protects land owners from being victimized by trespassers gathering straw. The pine straw industry in Georgia exceeds $10 million a year. Harvesters are required to have certificates in their possession, giving permission by the land owner to gather and bale the straw.

The law does not apply to those harvesting straw for home or personal use, but it does require the buyer of pine straw from a commercial seller to demand to see the certificate prior to a sale.

Certificate of harvest forms, issued at no charge, are available at all Georgia Forestry Commission offices. Phone 770-254-7218.

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