Sunday, October 31, 1999
Thoughtful Thanksgiving


Remember the days when Thanksgiving was about thanks giving?

Remember when it would have been unthinkable for a store owner to put out Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving? Remember when the “Rich's Christmas tree was lit immediately following Thanksgiving?

I have often thought of what God in Heaven thinks of us as we worship the commercialism we have all grown accustomed to. It appears that our “Thanksgiving” is just centered around a meal alone. If this is the case, we have missed Thanksgiving all the way around.

I am told that the first Thanksgiving was celebrated by a few grains of corn per person and that the tradition later took on the large meal as the pioneers progressed. We also have the famous paintings of the large tables of food with the Pilgrims and the Indians all standing around. We must be reminded that this all came much later than the first humble beginnings.

I believe that there is a message for us as we enjoy this booming economy. This Thanksgiving, most Americans with an average income will eat from the most heavily laden tables of food that the world has ever seen. May we all remember our roots and from where we came.

This Sunday at the American Legion Log Cabin our church will be celebrating, immediately following the service, a “Thoughtful Thanksgiving.” This will involve tables with information being set up to inform us of 35-40 different ministry opportunities. This will allow us to look over and commit to praying for and financially supporting a particular ministry, like the “Heifer Project,” where you can purchase a goat or a cow for a needy family in the Third World.

It is said that any one of us is two to three missed pay checks away from losing it all. There but by the grace of God stand you or I.

They will be asked to sign a “thoughtful Thanksgiving certificate,” to be posted on the refrigerator door to remind family members of their prayer and financial support commitment to the ministry they choose. Part of building Godly character is empathy — thinking of others. I guarantee your Thanksgiving will be more meaningful if you attempt to “give it away.”

Plan to drop by after your worship services and sign a certificate of commitment. Happy pre-Thanksgiving.

[The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC) and a substitute school teacher in the Fayette County school system, and a former Army chaplain. The church is currently meeting in the American Legion Log Cabin across from the fountain on the Square in Fayetteville. Prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail


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