Friday, October 29, 1999
Candidates' supporters extol their virtures, criticize opponents

For Perlman...

I see the election as a chance for Peachtree City's Council to have a new face. Council members who interact, listen, and are effective. I disagree that we should elect someone who has nothing better to do or a person who has served on the council for two terms and has been ineffective in obtaining support for her position.

Why would I want to elect Annie [McMenamin] whose interest is somewhere else — being mayor. Annie, the politician, met with me when I announced running for mayor and attempted to B.S. me that she was going to run for mayor — my reaction was no, no, she won't run because she was appointed by the same people who supported Mayor Lenox. She'd never run against her support. That proved to be true.

She has again made it known that her interest is being mayor — nothing wrong with that — but Melvin Ewing is right: she will terminate her council seat and a replacement will be appointed (as she was), not elected by the citizens.

Bruce Penman and I attended the Chamber's “Leadership Training program” at the same time; I experienced Bruce's ability to stand up and defend a position. He can defend!

It's been two years since I ran for mayor, and the same issue(s) exist today: growth and development without consideration for infrastructure, schools, etc.

Now the mayor and council realize we have a traffic problem at Ga. highways 74 and 54, only after Mr. Cousins came to town and told them.

We need a change! Vote with me for Bruce Perlman and Melvin Ewing. Let's not let this chance pass us by on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

Vivian Conduff
Peachtree City

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