Georgia's Y2K Task Force:
Some agencies still not ready The Georgia
Citizens Y2K Task Force told Governor Roy Barnes
that Georgians should have little or no worries
about possible year-end computer failures
impacting their essential services.
In its second of
three reports reflecting the readiness of nearly
8,000 entities from 31 industry sectors providing
essential services to Georgians, the 25-person
Task Force, appointed by the Governor in January,
” Ninety percent
of Georgia's essential service providers have
responded to the survey. Of the surveys received,
63 percent were scored green and 29 percent
yellow, leaving only 8 percent in the red
” While there are
still areas of concern, the overall assessment of
Georgia's essential services is that a majority
of providers are ready for the rollover into the
year 2000. Georgia should experience few
disruptions of essential services due to year
2000 problems.
” The Citizen's
Task Force is still concerned about the 10
percent of survey recipients who haven't
responded and the 8 percent that scored red.
(Processes are being put in place for the next
and final round of surveys to address these
entities.) Survey respondents got a red or Not
Ready/Questionable score if the Testing and/or
Certification question of the survey showed a
projected completion date beyond September 30,
1999. Thus, a red score for many respondents
means that the respondent does not expect to
complete testing and certification until sometime
in the fourth quarter 1999. If the respondent
reported that it has a completed contingency plan
to address potential failures in critical systems
that will not be tested and/or certified before
September 30, 1999, it was were scored yellow.
Public Service
Commission ” The Public Service Commission
surveys cover the providers of electricity,
natural gas, and local and long distance
telephone services. The response rate for these
providers increased dramatically in round two.
The overall response rate is 90 percent, and 93
percent of those entities scored green or yellow.
The number that are red or non-responsive is
small, and all but three, two municipal electric
services and one municipal gas service, are
Competitive Local Exchange providers or Inter
Exchange Carriers with very small customer bases.
Department of Human
Resources ” Hospitals that scored either green
or yellow represent approximately 80 - 85 percent
of all licensed beds in the state and 86 percent
of the facilities. The number of green hospitals
went from 6 to 33, and the number of red
hospitals dropped from 51 to 26. Most hospitals
report that they expect to complete their
preparations in October, and all expect to be
ready before the end of the year.
” Most of the 26
hospitals currently scoring red are located in
counties that have other hospitals that did not
score red. Should the need arise, back-up
coverage is available in the same county. There
does not appear to be any concentrated area of
the state without hospitals that scored green or
” The most
disturbing results in the healthcare industry are
from the End Stage Renal Disease Centers.
Although these dialysis centers were not included
in Senate Bill 230, they were surveyed and asked
to respond because of the critical service they
provide - blood filtering and cleaning three
times a week for patients whose kidneys have
failed. Eighty-one percent of the 161 centers in
Georgia have not responded to the survey. While
dialysis machines would not be affected, computer
failures could impact other company operations.
Georgia Emergency
Management Agency ” The Georgia Emergency
Management Agency's surveys cover fire, police,
and sheriff's departments and 911 services.
GEMA's efforts have resulted in a significant
rise in both the response rate and scores for
these sectors. Ninety-five percent of the surveys
are in, and 94 percent of them scored green or
yellow. Only 6 percent of the GEMA surveys that
were returned received red scores.
Department of
Natural Resources ” The Department of Natural
Resources surveys cover the utilities that supply
drinking water, the operators of wastewater
treatment facilities, facilities that hold
permits for air pollution equipment, entities
licensed to transport, store, or dispose of
hazardous and toxic waste and entities licensed
to handle radioactive materials. DNR again had
the highest response rate: 97 percent of its
surveys were returned, and 90 percent of them
scored green.
Bill Dahlberg, president of The
Southern Company and Task Force Chairman, said
the public should recognize that surveys are
self-reported and are not audited or verified by
the scoring agency. He noted the validity of the
Task Force's conclusions is heavily dependent
upon the accuracy of the information provided.
The next
three months will concentrate on the relatively
few reds to ensure that their small communities
will have back-up services, Dahlberg said.
Procedures to sanction non-reporting
entities have been launched.
The full report,
survey responses, scores and summary reports will
be available to the public from the GeorgiaNet
site on the Internet. The web site address to
access this information is
Several changes have been made to this web site
since round one to make it easier for Georgia
citizens to access, on a county by county basis,
information about their essential service
providers. Within counties they can query down to
the individual provider level and view the actual
survey responses. A list of non-responding
entities is posted on the web site.