Wednesday, September 29, 1999
Board's smoke and mirrors won't work on voters

It is unfortunate that [Fayette County Board of Education Chairman Debbie] Condon is embarrassed to live in Fayette County. While I agree with her attitude about voter apathy, I most certainly disagree with her attitude and comments about the people of this county not caring about the children.

Who is she to state that those of us who oppose ever higher taxes do not care about our children?

I wanted — even demanded — a quality education for my child who attended Fayette County High School and will want — and demand — the same for my granddaughter when she becomes school age. I am even willing to pay the necessary taxes to ensure our children receive a quality education.

However, I am not willing to blindly submit to the demands of Ms. Condon and others on the school board who believe that more money — read, higher taxes — are the solution to every problem!

When the school board learns to live within a reasonable budget and can present such a budget to the voters of this county, then I will support their requests.

Using smoke and mirrors to deceive the voters and using our children as emotional pawns will simply not work any longer!

Perhaps Ms. Condon and the rest of the school board will now get the message.

Bob Young

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