Wednesday, September 29, 1999
Fayette residents already paying too much in wasted taxes

The Fayette County school superintendent, John DeCotis, has threatened Fayette County residents with more trailers for public schools students following the defeat of the special purpose local option sales tax.

Despite heavy lobbying by the news media and the “citizens group,” which was a thinly disguised front group for the school board, Fayette voters again rejected the school system's pleas for higher taxes in the name of “the children.” Taxes of all kinds now represent the single largest expense for households with incomes over $50,000, costing more than housing, food and medical expenses combined.

It is clear that after the millions of dollars we have poured into public schools and what we have gotten in return, there is no correlation between a quality education and the amount of money spent on that education. I would suggest that Mr. DeCotis not only respect the wishes of the taxpayers in Fayette County but that he also implement sound business practices in his organization.

Rodney N. Kreider

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