Friday, September 17, 1999
School 'Open House' a SPLOST manipulation

We attended what was billed as “Open House” at Booth Middle School on Tues., Sep 14. The “Open House” began with general remarks by the principal, Lynn Wentzel, followed by a PTO General meeting lead by the PTO President, Rosetta Brown. This portion of the evening took approximately 30 minutes. We thought we would then head to the classrooms. However, the next portion of the meeting was a 35-minute dissertation given by Janet Smola on the merits of passing SPLOST. Ms. Smola then stated “in the interest of time” she would be available in the front hall to take questions. No opposing view was put forth, nor did Mrs. Brown ask if anyone wished to respond.

After Ms. Smola's speech, we were directed to begin the “Meet the Teachers” portion of the evening, spending FIVE minutes in each class, for a grand total of 35 minutes' discussion of our child's seven academic subjects.

When we questioned Mrs. Wentzel about the SPLOST portion of the program, she immediately directed us to Mrs. Brown, stating that the PTO was responsible for having SPLOST on the agenda. We approached Mrs. Brown to ask her why there had not been a balanced presentation of SPLOST. Mrs. Brown said something about the PTO contacting “the Citizen's group” to have a speaker come to the meeting for “a five minute talk on SPLOST” and was given the names of Janet Smola, Mike Satterfield, and Debbie Condon, all of whom were at the PTO meeting. Mrs. Brown said she had “no idea” Ms. Smola was going to speak. When we asked why no one with an opposing view was invited, Mrs. Brown stated “anyone could have responded after Ms. Smola spoke”.

To say we were annoyed is an understatement, having endured the same tactics at McIntosh High School's “Open House” two weeks ago. These are the same tactics used by a “different” board the last time SPLOST came up for a vote. One would have to be pretty naive to not see how SPLOST supporters manipulated the evening advertised as an “Open House” for students' parents. None of the reminder notes sent home mentioned there would be a one sided presentation of SPLOST.

It is insulting that we were held captive and lectured about information that was readily available in a flyer and at an information desk. It is disappointing that the PTO could be manipulated and manipulate parents in such a manner.

Peachtree City

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