Wednesday, September 15, 1999
Do what is right for our community

It is difficult to understand all the bickering that is taking place concerning the vote on the Special Local Option Sales Tax scheduled for Sept. 21.

As a single homeowner, with no children in the school system, I can appreciate the efforts of our elected officials to provide a quality education in our community. Without excellent schools and an effective plan for continuing growth, property values will stagnate and the double-digit increase in home value will slow and eventually stop.

The sales tax proposal will shift some of the burden from local property owners to visitors from other areas, as is being done in several other counties in the state. The shared revenue portion from the state will exceed $8 million, which will go a long way towards removing the trailers from our schools.

This is not the time for constant reminders of past transgressions, either real or imagined. It is time to come together and do what is right for our community. Vote yes for our schools.

Marc Royse
Peachtree City

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